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Credit Utilization

I want to share with you a cool trick to use if you have credit cards. 30% of your credit score has to deal with something call credit utilization. What that is is your total revolving debt balances compared with your revolving credit limits. A quick example, let's say you have two credit cards with total balances $250 and your total limits is $500. That will give you a credit utilization of 50%, $250 balances/$500 total balance. It's recommended to have your utilization under 30%, to the least.

The smaller that percentage the better though. A quick way to give your credit score a boost is to make a credit line increase request to your current credit card providers. Let's use our previous example for better explanation. If you requested a credit line increase with each credit card provider and they both increased your line by just $500, that will significantly lower your credit utilization ratio. Your balances staying the same, but your limits increase $1,000 total will give you at utilization of 16%. Because $250 divided by $1,500 equals 16%. A credit utilization this low is great! And what's better is, you didn't have to add any more money to your balances at all. By simply requesting a credit line increase with your current credit card providers can do wonders to your credit score. If you been with your credit card provider for at least 6 months, I highly recommend that you try this strategy.

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