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We Purchase Real Estate Notes

Are you receiving a monthly payment from a real estate note and now find the need for LUMP sum money? If so, we can help.  DeMary Funding Company is a national purchaser of Real Estate Notes including but not limited to:


Mortgage Notes

Business Notes

Deeds of Trust

Land Contracts



A Purchase Plan Tailored to Your Needs


Whether you need just a small amount of ready CASH or find you need to sell your entire note. Our experienced contract can tailor a specific purchase option just for you.  We can...


Purchase Your Mortgage Note in its Entirety

Purchase a Set Amount of Future Payments

Purchase an Upcoming Balloon Payment

Any Combination of the Above


Property Types We Consider


We purchase mortgage notes, deeds of trust, and land contracts on the following property types:


Single Family Residences

Multi-Family Units

Mobile Homes

Condominiums and Townhouses

Land (Improved and Unimproved)

Commercial Properties


Fill out our free online quote form


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